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Consulting Services

Occupational safety and health consulting services

PSC offers a wide variety of occupational safety and health consulting services including:

  • Safety Program Creation and Review
  • 3rd Party Safety Oversight
  • On-site Safety Assessments
  • Cal OSHA Compliance Assistance
  • Safety Resource Officer
  • Evacuation / Fire Drill Coordination
  • Ergonomics
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Our Consulting Services Include:

Safety Assessment:

An overview of your program, identifying the applicable regulations, where you have strong programs, and which programs need additional development. Designed to show your level of compliance with Cal-OSHA and EPA regulations, this assessment will identify potential liability areas, and will give you a detailed list of several realistic options to correct these problems.

Third Party Audit:

Similar to Safety Assessment, this program allows the companies with strong safety programs an independent assessment of their regulatory compliance. This is frequently required by management and legal oversight groups to prove that you are minimizing liabilities.

Injury Illness and Prevention Plan:

While there are many “fill in the blank” IIPP programs out there, Cal-OSHA has repeatedly confirmed that your IIPP must be specific to your industry, location, and processes. In addition, the IIPP is the one tool that can pull your entire safety program together.

Ergonomics Assessment:

As more and more companies shift from away from manufacturing operations, ergonomics becomes the number one safety problem. We can identify the easy, short-term improvements for your operations, as well as the long-term planning that can be worked into your long-range capital improvements.

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