Tips & Resources
Car Seat Safety Law
Children under age 8 must be properly buckled into a car seat or booster in the back seat.
Children age 8 or older, or who are 4’9″ or taller,
may use the vehicle seat belt if it fits properly with the lap belt low on the hips, touching the upper thighs, and shoulder belt crossing the center of the chest. If children are not tall enough for proper belt fit, they must ride in a booster or car seat.
Everyone in the car
must be properly buckled up. For each child under 16 who is not properly secured, parents (if in the car) or drivers can be fined more than $475 and get a point on their driving records
Note: Backless booster seats cost as low as $15; high back booster seats cost between $20 and $100.
Keep your child safe. It’s the law!
Car Seat Recommendations
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California laws - Keeping your child safe in the car
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Leyes de California – Protege a su hijo en el automóvil
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Most Common Mistakes
What are the most common child safety seat installation mistakes?*
- Not using the right child safety seats for a child’s size and age;
- Not placing the child safety seat in the correct direction;
- Incorrect installation of the child safety seat in relation to the vehicle’s air bags;
- Incorrect installation and tightness of the child safety seat to the vehicle seat;
- Not securing/tightening the child safety seat’s harness and crotch straps;
- Improper use of locking clips for certain vehicle safety belts;
- Not making sure the vehicle’s seat belts fit properly across the child when using a booster seat; and
- Using a defective or broken child safety seat.
- Adding after-market items and non-regulated items.
Sources: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
(Private Appointments)