Private Car Seat Installs
Call us at (619) 455-8194 or email us at to schedule an appointment with a certified technician!
Car Seat Installations and Inspections:
Using child safety seats and seat belts correctly is the most effective way to reduce injuries and deaths to both children and adults. Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of injury and death for children. Most people think they are using their car seat correctly; however, 96% of car seats have been shown to be installed incorrectly! In fact, Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) usually find an average of 3-5 mistakes per seat while checking for proper installation.
At Pacific Safety Center (PSC), we’re dedicated to child passenger safety. Experienced CPS Technicians teach parents and caregivers how to keep their children safe by helping them choose:
- the right seat for their child
- how to install your car seat correctly
- how to use it the right way every time
Why Choose Pacific Safety Center for your assistance with your car seat installation?
PSC offers appointments that work with YOUR schedule. Your appointment time will depend on the number of car seats you have. Generally most appointment are about 1 hour in length.
There are some agencies in San Diego County available to you free of charge. However, these check points are very busy and are usually limited to one or two a month in various parts of the county. This means a longer wait time for you. Why wait to have your child’s car seat checked, when you can have a 1-on-1 personal appointment with Pacific Safety Center?
Even if you think you have installed your car seat the right way, have it checked by one of our trained technicians to be absolutely sure! PSC serves the entire San Diego County. Call us at (619) 455-8194 or email us at to schedule an appointment with a certified technician!
Private Appointment Fees:
- Check-up at PSC - $100
- Check-up at client’s home/office - $150 + additional fees vary by location/instructor availability
- Each additional base* - $40
- Each additional seat* - $60
*At same appointment, within same family

What to Bring to Your Scheduled Appointment:
- Car seat (yes, it’s okay if it’s still in the box)
- Car manual instructions
- Car seat instructions
- Your children – please bring them whenever possible
Current Law:
Children must ride properly buckled up, in the back seat, in a safety seat or booster until they are at least 8 years old OR 4’9” tall.
Most Common Mistakes:
- Seat too loose in the car – Remember: from the belt path you should not be able to move the car seat from side to side more than one inch; booster seats are excluded from this rule!
- Harness straps are too loose on the child – Remember: in a crash the straps will not lock, like an adult seatbelt does.
- Children turned to face-forward too soon – Remember: AAP recommends the safest way to ride is rear facing for children under 2 years of age, so why turn them around too soon?
- Rear-facing car seat is not at a 45° angle – Remember: small children do not have neck and muscle control or strength.
- Positioning the retainer clip too low on child – Remember: the chest clip needs to be at the armpit level (on the hard bony rib cage NOT on the soft tissue stomach)
- Harness straps through the wrong slots – Remember: rear facing at or below and forward facing at or above
- Not using a booster seat – Remember: seat belts are made for adults not children. The booster seat will give them the boost needed to ensure the adult seatbelt fits the child in the correct position.
- Using a car seat that has been recalled – mail the registration card in!